Area of a circle worksheets using its radius

Worksheets to find the area of circles when their radius is given

Below are the two basic worksheets on the above concept, print these worksheets and practice all of the area problems contained in them.

Area Of A Circle Worksheet - 1               Area Of Circles-2 

Feel free to print above worksheets on finding the area of a circle. More information to come about circles, stay tuned.

There is an easy to use formula to find the area of a circle when its radius is given. Usually the letter “r” is used to denote the radius of the circle and you already know about the Greek letter pi, as a circle constant.

Now,  the area “A” of any circle can be obtained by using the following formula:

Examples to find the area of a circle when its radius is given

Next, we’ll use the above formula to find the area of the given circle when its radius is given in different units. For example; consider the radius of the circle is given to be 3cm, and then we can calculate its area as shown below:

As we know that ? = 3.14 and r = 3 cm, substitute these values in above formula.

Steps to find the area of a circle using formula

Hence the area of a circle with the radius, r = 3 cm is found to be A = 28.26

Now kids can be asked some word problems too based on the above concept. For example; find the area of a circular flowerbed having a radius of 5.2 yards.

These kinds of words problems on finding the area of circular things are often asked in exams. Students need to focus on what do they need to find the area of any kind of circle is? The answer is, its radius. If radius is given, finding the area of a circle is very simple. In the given problem the radius of the circular flowerbed is r = 5.2 yards, and we can find its area as shown below:

We are given with radius r = 5.2 yd and ? = 3.14, substitute these values in the formula and solve for area circle “A”.

A = 3.14 x (5.2)(5.2)

A = 3.14 x 27.04

A = 84.91 sq.yd

Hence the area of a circular flowerbed with a radius of 5.2 yd is calculated to be 84.91 sq.yd

 Circle Area   Area Of A Circle  Circle Basics   Basics About A Circle  Use of Pi   Pi in Area of a Circle  Formula   Area of a Circle Formula  Lessons   Printable Lessons  Area Using Radius  Area Using Diameter  Area & Circumference  Radius From Area  Diameter From Area  Circle Inside A Square  Square Inside A Circle  Area Of A Ring  Applications  Word Problems  About Us   About  Privacy Policy   Privacy Policy  Terms Of Use